This is one of the best kitesurf spots for wave kitesurfing and flat water on the Albanian coast. The wind conditions in Fier region are perfect, we have reliable conditions, which make it perfect for those who want to learn kitesurfing and more advanced riders who like strapless waveriding or wing foiling is Just AMAZING .
Ast eshte nje agjensi turistike e themeluar ne vitin 2009 per shkak te shoqates se “Alpinizmit,Skive & Turizmit”. Nje shoqate kjo e krijuar nga dashamires te sportit,alpinizmit,natyres dhe bukurive natyrore te Shqiperise. AST vazhdon aktivitetin e saj tashme si nje agjensi e cila promovon Sportet si Hiking,Rafting,Skiing etj ne Shqiperi dhe me tej.