Krraba is a new crag not far from the picturesque eponymous village, about 20 minutes outside Elbasan. The walls lie on a hill overlooking a beautiful valley that is a hiking and swimming destination in its own right. There are multiple sectors within walking distance from each other offering a variety of grades and climbing styles. From beginner level to projects, and from slabs through tufa walls to roof climbing. The big cave gets shade most of the day in summer and is sheltered from rain, although the holes can start to seep after prolonged rainfall. Krraba has 108 climbing routes so far, starting from 5-8b+
Ast eshte nje agjensi turistike e themeluar ne vitin 2009 per shkak te shoqates se “Alpinizmit,Skive & Turizmit”. Nje shoqate kjo e krijuar nga dashamires te sportit,alpinizmit,natyres dhe bukurive natyrore te Shqiperise. AST vazhdon aktivitetin e saj tashme si nje agjensi e cila promovon Sportet si Hiking,Rafting,Skiing etj ne Shqiperi dhe me tej.